* Mid-January, Pawpaw caught dengue and was hospitalized for nearly a week.

*March, I graduated from college. :)

*Welcomed a once wayward heart that finallly went back home.
*.. and Mark, Oliver, Van, April, Karina and I went to Dave's baluarte and had the best all-expense paid vacation cum Dave's thanksgiving.

*but instead of heading home, I headed straight to the hospital because I found out Nanay was hospitalized. I can never forget that one night while we were lying in her hospital bed and out of the blue, she said "I love you" when I thought she was already fast asleep. Ah, memories. :')
*Early morning of April 11th, Nanay could no longer move, talk, open her eyes and was declared in coma. She fought for life for almost a month, a week of which, with nary any food nor medicine.
*And come May 7th, she succumbed to God's call and went to the happier place.

*Since it was scheduled prior to Nanay's untimely demise, the family went to Hong Kong

*and to Macau early June. And we had the time of our lives.

*On the first week of July, Papa had a kidney problem that became yet another "hospital time" for the family. Thankfully, that wasn't anything serious. :) In fact, we managed to drop by Ice Giants before heading home. :-P

*August, celebrated August 6, 2002 together, for the first time in years. :)

*September, had a short stint, too short to even write about. :p
*October was a happy month. :) Pawpaw celebrated her 18th birthday, to which I was punong-abala. Well, Ate duties. :)
*November, I turned 21. EH-EH-EH-EH-EH-EH-EH-OH!
*December, had the merriest christmas vacay yet. :)

What a year that was. A lot has happened and I admit, there were times when I thought of 2010 as somewhat an affliction, a bane. But looking back, I realized that all that has been are what makes 2011 something to anticipate with faith and hope, and welcome with cheer.
That was 2010 in a nutshell. Happy 2011 to all of us!
very eventful year, indeed. i feel you, rev. happy new year! :)