Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Barneee!:)

I was "driving" my four-wheeled-bike-with-a-little-black-basket-in-the-rear when Mama and Papa left.  Nanay, who probably sensed I was about to cry, told me: "Mabalik lang na sila sarum-an ah. Indi timo maghibi. Indi taton mag-upod kay makadto sanda sa hospital".  Maybe, I was too amused with my bike that I didn't mind watching Mama and Papa leave. I wasn't expecting that they'd be bringing someone along when they came back. 


I can vividly remember that sunny morning when you were first brought home. You were delicately wrapped in a canary yellow fabric with white lining. You were so small then. Mama, who was carrying you, called me. Nanay prodded me to go to Mama to take a look at you for the first time. Instead of heeding them, I busied myself playing with the water from the lavatory where I was. When I finally obliged, I went to Mama and peeked at what seemed to be a clump of cloth. There, I saw a cherub with kinky hair and big brown eyes. My three year-old mind did not know that on that sunny morning, I was being introduced to my would-be best friend; that on that morning until forever, I will never be alone anymore. Ever.


True enough, I was never alone. We grew up together literally. From sharing the same room, the same bed to even sharing the same pillow. We dreamt together and together, we would fulfill each dream. As planned, we will have our dream houses built alongside each other so that even when we have families of our own, we’ll still be together.


Pauling, you are the best sister in the world not only because you are the RICHEST but also because more than being sisters, we’re very good friends. And that, for me, is one of life’s greatest pleasures.


Little sisters can be so pesky and at times, very annoying.  But definitely not my Pawpaw. You may have grown so big (*peace*) but you will always be Mama, Papa and Bb’s baby.:D If there’s one thing you should be sure of always having, it’s my love. So goes our favorite song: I will chase the ghosts from your head because I am stronger than the monster beneath your bed.


Happy Birthday, Barneee! I love you so much.


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